Today was the day marking the official launch of south-eastern supply for the city of Gdańsk, and the interconnection system supplying the refinery of Grupa LOTOS S.A. with natural gas. The project is of strategic importance to the region of Pomerania. It will enhance the region’s energy security and support its economic growth.
Today was the day marking the official launch of south-eastern supply for the city of Gdańsk, and the interconnection system supplying the refinery of Grupa LOTOS S.A. with natural gas. The project is of strategic importance to the region of Pomerania. It will enhance the region’s energy security and support its economic growth.
Its execution was possible thanks to the construction by Pomorska Spółka Gazownictwa (company of the PGNiG Group) of a 30.2-kilometre long high pressure gas pipeline from Kolnik to Gdańsk. It was part of a larger project co-financed by the European Union with funds from the European Regional Development Fund, designated as “South-eastern supply for the City of Gdańsk along with connection to the gas grid of Wiślinka and Sobieszewo Island”. The places being currently connected to the gas grid are the Sobieszewo Island, Wiślinka and some municipalities located within Żuławy Gdańskie: Pruszcz Gdański, Suchy Dąb, Pszczółki and Cedry Wielkie.
- PGNiG regards Pomerania as a very important region. We have been active there for years, exploring for and producing natural gas. Equally important to us are investment projects, which help enhance the region’s energy security, support its economic growth and improve the quality of local residents’ lives. An example of such projects is the one implemented by Pomorska Spółka Gazownictwa - says Grażyna Piotrowska - Oliwa, President of the PGNiG SA Management Board.
The high pressure gas pipeline from Kolnik to Gdańsk built as part of the project will play a vital part in ensuring continuous gas supplies to the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot agglomeration. It is complementary with respect to the 10+ Programme deployed by Grupa LOTOS S.A. Gas is supplied to process units and used both for process purposes and as a source of energy.
- The introduction of gas will deliver a host of environmental, economic and commercial benefits - lists Paweł Olechnowicz, President of the Grupa LOTOS S.A. Management Board - Natural gas emits less sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide than the previously used fuels. It is also a cheaper alternative to the fuels it is going to replace.
Under an agreement executed earlier, the supplier of natural gas will be PGNiG SA. The annual volume of gas supplies to the Gdańsk refinery will initially amount to some 340 million cubic metres , to eventually reach 500 million cubic metres.
- An increase in natural gas sales is an element of PGNiG’s broader strategy - stresses Grażyna Piotrowska-Oliwa, President of the PGNiG SA Management Board. - The contract with Grupa LOTOS is among the largest agreements we have signed in recent years. It has placed LOTOS among the five largest customers we supply with gas fuel. We believe that our relationship will continue for years to come, possibly leading to further increases in supplies.
Having been connected to the high pressure gas system, LOTOS will also have substantial quantities of LPG at its disposal. This will result in a several-fold increase in the Company’s sales of that fuel on the Polish market.
- We are talking of some 120 thousand tonnes of liquefied gas annually. We have already started to sell it, both through the wholesale channel and at our service stations, in the form of autogas - explains Marek Sokołowski, Vice-President of the Grupa LOTOS S.A. Management Board, Chief Operation Officer.
Based on the data of the Polish Organisation of Oil Industry and Trade, consumption of liquefied gas in Poland rose in the first half of 2012 by less than 2% year on year, to nearly 2 million cubic metres.
It should be noted that as much as 87% of that total volume has so far been imported.
The project co-financed with EU funds is consistent with the overall sustainability concept. It also has special significance for Pomorska Spółka Gazownictwa.
- The project carried out by Pomorska Spółka Gazownictwa has not only enhanced the energy security of the city of Gdańsk thanks to the diversification of gas supplies from the south east, but has also helped us secure our largest ever customer – Grupa LOTOS, which we will be providing with distribution services - says Adam Kielak, President of the Management Board of Pomorska Spółka Gazownictwa.
Press Office, Grupa LOTOS S.A., ul. Elbląska 135, 80-718 Gdańsk, tel. No. +48 58 308 87 31, +48 58 308 83 88, e-mail: media@grupalotos.pl