- Confidentiality Declaration
General Contract Conditions
- General Contract Conditions Grupa LOTOS (valid from 28.05.2021)
- General Contract Conditions of Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o.
General Order Conditions
- General Order Conditions Grupa LOTOS (valid from 28.05.2021)
- General Order Conditions Grupa LOTOS (valid between 19.07.2019 and 27.05.2021)
- General Order Conditions Grupa LOTOS (valid until 18.07.2019)
- General Order Conditions LOTOS Oil (valid from 15.09.2021)
- General Order Conditions LOTOS Asfalt
- General Order Conditions_Rafineria Gdańska
- General Order Conditions of Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o. o.
Electronic invoicing agreement form
Due to the fact that Grupa LOTOS SA accepts the procedure of acceptance of electronic invoices, we send to our contractors forms called „Agreements on delivery of electronic invoices”.
Please send two original copies completed by company representatives / KRS system verification/ to our contact person in Grupa LOTOS for approval.
Another copy of the signed agreement should be sent to the supplier’s address. Only then will we accept electronic invoices.
- Cover letter for e-invoices
- Agreement on electronic invoicing
CSR clauses
- CSR Standards for Contractors of LOTOS Group
- Rafineria Gdańska_REACH and CLP supplier statement